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  • All hours must be submitted in writing. To ensure payment of over-time, it must be pre-approved by the client and us prior to doing the work.
  • Time records must be filled in by you, be completed and signed by you and your job supervisor.
  • Total hours have to be reported to the nearest quarter hour, in decimal form (example: 6.75 instead of 6 hours and 45 minutes).
  • To ensure prompt payment, submit your time sheet before 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Submitting your time sheet later may result in a paycheck delay of one week or longer. Follow-up with a telephone call to your recruiter to make sure we received your timesheet.
  • Pay will be processed through direct deposit. Simply provide a voided check to us and we’ll get you started.
  • Your paycheck is ready for online review/print by Friday for the previous week worked. If you’re unable to view your paycheck by the following Friday and you did submit your time sheet timely, please contact us immediately.
  • Changes in your withholding exemptions have to be submitted to us on a new tax form.
  • Any major change which may affect your employment status has to be submitted immediately to us in writing.
  • Make sure the information on your check is correct.
Candidate / Contractor Online Timesheet

In case you have problems with the electronic submittal of your timesheet, please contact us for a hard copy.